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A'me TRI classic grips IN COLORS


Manufacturer: A'ME grips

Stock Level: 0 - 14

Product Information

The famous A’ME Triangle is on the end of one of the most popular BMX Grips of the 1980’s. The A’ME Tri Grip originally introduced in 1980, is still being made by the same company!

A’ME Tri Grips are composed of Vulcathane™, a specially blended rubber compound combined with UV stabilizing ingredients that exhibit superior oxidation and ozone resistance. As a result, A’ME Tri Grips will not absorb moisture, deteriorate, harden, or become slick with age all the while providing extremely durability and superior comfort.

A’ME Tri Grips are easy to install and are available in a variety of colors that compliment most BMX bicycles and components.

  • A’ME Raised and lowered Pattern creates a No-Slip surface in wet or dry conditions
  • CAM Slots to reduce weight and create cushion feel for the hard-core rider who wants every part of their hand to feel the contour of the grip
  • Thermo Rubber Compound for Comfort and Control
  • One-piece Oversized Flange and Large End Cap
  • Easy Installation
  • Made in USA
  • Available in an assortment of colors

Product Code: AMETRI


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